Three stage of COCOMO Model

A regression model called COCOMO (Constructive Cost Model) is based on LOC or the number of lines of code. It is a method of accurately projecting the different aspects of a project, including size, effort, cost, time, and quality. It is a procedural cost estimation model for software projects. One of the best-documented models, it was introduced by Barry Boehm in 1981 and is based on the analysis of 63 projects.

For many years, the Construction Cost Model (COCOMO) has been a crucial tool in the field of software engineering estimating software costs. An organized method for calculating the amount of work, time, and resources needed for software development success is offered by COCOMO. It is an effective tool that helps stakeholders, developers, and project managers make well-informed decisions, enhance project planning, and allocate resources as efficiently as possible. There are multiple versions of COCOMO, each handling a certain level of project functionality and complexity.

The primary factors that determine the caliber of software products, which are also a result of the Cocomo, are Effort and Schedule:

  • Effort: The quantity of work necessary to finish a task. Units of measurement are person-months.
  • Schedule: This is just the length of time needed to finish the task, which is naturally correlated with the amount of work made. It is expressed in terms of time intervals like weeks and months.

Types of Software Projects:

Software projects are classified into three categories by the COCOMO model of software engineering according to their level of complexity and unique features during development:

Organic Projects:

Relatively small teams of seasoned programmers working on well-known and well-defined software are characteristics of organic projects. A systematic development process is made possible by the project’s well-defined and consistent needs. These kinds of projects usually don’t involve much creativity or risk. Utility apps, basic websites, and small business applications are a few examples.

Two-domain projects:

Half-domain projects are situated halfway between embedded and organic initiatives. They include a somewhat sized team and a sophisticated development process. Even though the standards are not quite clear, creativity is still allowed. There is a modicum of danger and uncertainty in these endeavors. Medium-sized web apps and e-commerce platforms are two examples.

Projects Embedded:

Large development teams working on intricate and creative software under stringent guidelines are the hallmarks of embedded projects. A project frequently entails high levels of uncertainty, a significant invention, and cutting-edge technology. Because of the intricate integration required to meet hardware or regulatory requirements, these projects have a high risk. Air traffic software, real-time operating systems, and intricate scientific simulations are a few examples.

In the COCOMO model, every type of project has a corresponding set of parameters and factors that influence the amount of work, time, and resources needed to complete it successfully. Throughout the software lifecycle, having a thorough understanding of various project categories aids software engineers and project managers in producing precise estimates and wise judgments.

Stages of the COCOMO Model:

  1. Basic COCOMO Model
  2. Intermediate COCOMO Model
  3. Detailed COCOMO Model

Basic COCOMO Model:

It is primarily concerned with three aspects: input evaluation, development methodology, and project size.

  • Project size: Lines of code (LOC), which indicate the total number of lines of code that must be created, are typically used to estimate the size of a software project.
  • Methods of development: Three development states are defined by the Basic COCOMO model and they characterize the various levels of project complexity and team capabilities:
    1. Organic mode: Suitable for small groups using well-known software.
    2. semi-detached mode: For medium-sized groups using software that they are somewhat familiar with, use the semi-detached mode.
    3. Embedded mode: For sizable groups utilizing obscure and complicated software.

Simple math expressions in COCOMO:

The basic COCOMO model estimates effort in person-months using an easy-to-understand exponential formula:

Effort = x * (Size)^y

Here, the constants “x” and “y” are determined by the development method that was chosen and are obtained from historical data. Value “y” illustrates the project’s scalability, while value “x” describes the development team’s productivity.


Estimated Effort Vs. Project Size


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