Software Processes and Characteristics

A software process is a collection of actions and related results to further the growth or development of software. Every software process involves four basic actions. These activities are universal.

All software processes share these four essential process actions. These kinds of activities consist of:

  • Software specification: Customers and software engineers specify the software to be developed as well as the limitations on its features and functionality throughout this process activity.
  • Software development: The software development engineer team designs and programs the software according to the customer’s specifications.
  • Software validation: Software validation is the process of checking that the program satisfies the requirements of the client as stated in the specification.
  • Software evolution: The process of changing software to meet changing consumer and market demands is known as software evolution.

Example of Software Processes:

The methods and procedures used to create and maintain software are referred to as software processes in software engineering.

Here are a few examples of software processes:

  • Waterfall is a systematic, linear method of developing software that consists of discrete stages including requirement collecting, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance.
  • Agile is an adaptable, iterative method of developing software that prioritizes continuous delivery and quick prototyping.
  • Scrum is a well-liked Agile technique that places a strong emphasis on collaboration, iterative development, and a flexible, adaptable approach to management and planning.
  • DevOps is a collection of procedures designed to enhance coordination and communication between teams working on development and operations, with a focus on software delivery process automation.

It is an essential component of implementing, developing, and refining a software process, according to the definition. Process improvement is the process of comprehending existing processes and making modifications to them to increase the quality of the final product and/or save expenses and development time. Most of the literature on process improvement has concentrated on streamlining procedures to increase the caliber of the final output and, specifically, to reduce the number of software defects that are supplied. After this is accomplished, the main goals may be to cut costs or time.

Software process improvement cycle:

Process measurement:

The measurement of the product or current project qualities is part of the process measurement. The objective is to progress the assessed attributes by the process improvement organization’s aims.

Process analysis:

Process analysis entails evaluating the current procedure and locating bottlenecks and flaws in it. The process analysis stage is often when process models that explain the process are established.

Process modification:

During analysis, modifications to the process are discovered and implemented.

Enhancing software processes takes time and effort. It is also a constant endeavor since, when new procedures are implemented, the business environment will change and these procedures will also need to adapt to accommodate these changes.

Characteristics of the Software Process:

The software process has the following features:

  • Understandability: How clearly defined is the process, and how simple is it to comprehend the definition of the process?
  • Visibility: Do the process activities produce distinct outcomes that make the process’s advancement apparent from the outside?
  • Supportability: How much may process activities be supported by CASE tools?
  • Acceptability: Can the engineers in charge of creating the software product use and find the established procedure acceptable?
  • Reliability: Is the procedure set up to prevent faults in the process or catch them before they become errors in the product?
  • Robustness: Is the procedure able to carry on in the event of an unforeseen issue?
  • Maintainability: Is it possible for the process to change to accommodate newly recognized process enhancements or shifting organizational requirements?
  • Quickly: How quickly can a solution be delivered based on a specified specification?

Nevertheless, using the wrong software process might reduce the value or quality of the software product that has to be built and/or increase the cost of development.

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