Software Development Life Cycle

A process model, often known as a software development life cycle model, is a diagrammatic and a graphical depiction of the software life cycle. Every technique needed to move a software product through its life cycle stages is represented by a life cycle model. It also encapsulates the framework within which these techniques should be used.

Stated differently, a life cycle model delineates the range of tasks executed on a software product from its conception to its eventual retirement. The required development tasks may be allocated to phases in a variety of ways by different life cycle models. Therefore, regardless of the life cycle model that is used, all important activities are included, even if they may be carried out in different sequences depending on the life cycle model.

The Necessity of SDLC:

For a given strategy, the development team must choose an appropriate life cycle model and then adhere to it. The development of a software product would not be methodical and disciplined without the use of a precise life cycle model. It is essential for team members to have a clear idea of when and what to accomplish when producing a software product. If not, it would indicate pandemonium and project failure. An example can be used to define this problem. Assume a software development problem is split up into different components, each of which is given to a team member.

Let’s say that going forward, the team representative is free to customize the duties that have been assigned to them whatever they see fit. One representative may decide to begin writing the code for his portion, another may decide to start with the test documentation, and another engineer may decide to start with the design stage of the responsibilities that have been allocated to him. This seems like the ideal way to make a project fail.

Each phase’s entrance and departure requirements are outlined in a software life cycle model. Only after the requirements for stage entry have been met can a phase start. Therefore, the entry and departure criteria for a stage cannot be identified in the absence of a software life cycle model. Software project managers find it difficult to keep track of the project’s development in the absence of software life cycle models.

SDLC Cycle:

The SDLC Cycle is a representation of the software development process. The steps in the SDLC framework are as follows:

Planning and requirement analysis:

At this point, planning for the requirements of quality assurance and risk identification related to the projects is also completed.
A meeting is scheduled with the client by a business analyst and project organizer to collect all the necessary information, such as what the customer wants built, who the end user will be, and the product’s goal. It is crucial to have a fundamental grasp of the product before developing it.

For instance, a client requests access to a program that deals with financial transactions. The requirements for this approach must be exact, including the type of operations to be performed, their methodology, the currency in which they will be performed, etc.

After doing the necessary task, the analysis of auditing the viability of a product’s growth is finished. If there is any doubt, a signal is established for additional conversation.

The Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document is prepared once the requirement has been comprehended. The customer should reread this document for future reference, and the developers should strictly adhere to its guidelines.

Defining Requirements:

The following step after finishing the requirement analysis is to accurately depict, record, and obtain approval from the project stakeholders for the software needs.

This is achieved through the use of “SRS” documents, or Software Requirement Specifications, which include all of the product requirements that must be created and refined over the course of a project.

Designing the Software:

The following stage will involve removing all knowledge related to the software project’s requirements, analysis, and design. This stage is the result of the previous two, which included requirement collecting and client input.

Developing the project:

The actual development phase of the SDLC is when the programming is built. Coding is where the design gets put into practice. When creating and implementing code, developers must adhere to the coding standards set forth by their management. Tools such as compilers, interpreters, debuggers, and others are used in programming.


To ensure that the products are meeting the demands that were identified and gathered during the requirements stage, the code is checked after it has been developed against the requirements.

Unit, integration, system, and acceptability testing are all completed at this phase.


The program is released once it has been certified and no defects or problems have been reported.

The software may then be made available either as is or with recommended improvements made to the object part, depending on the evaluation.

The software’s maintenance phase starts after it is deployed.


When the client begins utilizing the technologies that were designed, the true problems arise and demands that need to be met periodically.

Maintenance refers to the process wherein the developed product is cared for.

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